Friday, July 10, 2009

City tour of Dawson City

We drove into town and then began a walking tour of Dawson City. This log cabin with the sod roof is typical of the cabins that were here during the gold rush.

The building next to the bus is an original building from the early 1900's. Dawson City has an ordinance that specifies that all new buildings must look like the ones in the 1900's.

This is the old bank building that Robert Service, the poet, worked in. It is covered in metal. Unfortunately it has not been restored.

This is inside an old restored bank.

Here is Wayne holding a bar of gold.

This is inside of an old saloon. The room that Wayne is in could be curtained off to provide privacy for whatever activity the customer desired.

These buildings are sinking and are leaning into one another.

This is our costumed guide who took us on the walking tour.

This is inside the old post office.

This is inside the old Palace Theatre. You can see Wayne sitting in the chair on the right.

This is upstairs in the star's room.

After the walking tour we went back to the campground for lunch.

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