Friday, March 22, 2013

March Red Hat Luncheon

Last Friday we went to Jack Allen’s Restaurant for our Red Hat Luncheon this month.  Only twelve of us got to go.

Here are Velma and Ruth.


They sat at the table with Mildred and Billie.


Here are Annabelle and Maggie.  Annabelle taught at the Texas School for the Deaf while I was there.


They sat with Adele and her red hat bear.  Adele lives around the corner from me.


Jeanne and Judy sat at my table.


And here I am with Erin, our social director.  I have decided my hat is too big for me.


Happy Hour Out at Wildfire

Thursday was Happy Hour Out and the restaurant they chose was Wildfire in Georgetown.  When we stayed in Georgetown for the UT football games we often had Sunday Brunch at this really nice restaurant.
Sitting with us were Peggy and Lyn.
Erin, our social director, had her husband, Jeff,  meet us there.
Claude started out at the bar but David convinced him to join a group towards the front.
The marketing team had selected another good variety of appetizers and they filled half of the bar area.  That’s Cat, one of the marketing team, on the right hand side.
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Everyone filled up at least one plate and some filled up two.
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Annabelle didn’t wait to get to the table before she tasted one of the hot wings.
Here are Jeff, Frank, Phyllis, and Bob enjoying their drinks.
Here are Annabelle, Jack, Betsey, Fran,  Kay and Sterling finishing up theirs.
Two of the invited realtors joined Claude and his granddaughter, Jaimie, who is also a realtor at their table.
David came over to our table and visited with Wayne and the girls for a while.
Another fun trip on the Conservatory bus.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Jewelry Classes

In order to have someone to do jewelry with me, I started teaching a jewelry class twice a month.  The first class we made simple earrings using head pins and beads.


This past week we made easy stretch bracelets.


The classes are allowing me to have friends to visit with while I make jewelry and helping me get rid of some of my beads.  Naturally I have had to buy some more as well.