Monday, September 30, 2013

Catching Up–September

We started off September with a bang here at the Conservatory at Wells Branch.  Monday, Labor Day, we had a Ice Cream Social in the Bistro, followed the next morning with Breakfast with The Chef and the Town Hall Meeting that afternoon.  Wednesday mornings is Line Dancing and I couldn’t go to Thursday’s Balance Class due to my having a CT scan. Friday was our Out to Lunch Bunch.  We were supposed to go to Fonda San Miguel but they don’t open for lunch so we went to the Monument Café in Georgetown instead.  I didn’t take my camera to any of these activities and I forgot I could take pictures with my cell phone.  Oh well…

Saturday was the second UT football game and it was an out of town game.  Ron and his fiancée, Ashleigh, came over to watch the game with us.


Sunday is always church and then Sunday Brunch around here.

Monday was our once a month pottery class.  We made fall leaves.  Everyone’s was a little different.  The teacher will take them home and fire them and bring them back next class.


This is my leaf.


Tuesday was my hair appointment and that evening we took two of the other residents with us to an Acute Financial dinner and presentation at Perry’s Steak House.  I had never heard of this steak house which has been in downtown Austin since 1979.   Maybe I never heard of it because I would never have been able to afford it back then.  The steak was fork tender and everything was wonderful.

Wednesday morning was line dancing and that afternoon was my jewelry class.  Thursday morning was balance class and that evening Judy and I went to see “The Trip To Bountiful” that was being presented as a dinner theatre at the Monument Café in Georgetown by the Agape Actors Co-Op  of Hope United Church.  The food was good and so was the play.

Friday was uneventful until Happy Hour Time.  Here is a group lined up at the Bistro waiting for it to open.  They provide us with two drinks (boxed wine or beer) a night six days a week.


Saturday was the UT vs. Old Miss game.  We went early as usual and visited with the other Texas Exes in the officer’s room. As a permanent board member of the Corpus Christi group they still let us come in.

Sunday morning as I was walking over to church, one of the flowers in the rug jumped up and grabbed me and pulled me down (that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.) spraining my ankle and breaking a bone on the outside of my foot.  I went on to church and called Wayne to bring his cane for me at brunch  After brunch  we went to a minor emergency place for x-rays and I got a post-op shoe to wear.

Other than Happy Hour and dinner on Monday I stayed in my recliner most of the day.

Tuesday I went to see an orthopedist and got this lovely boot.  He said I should heal in four to six weeks.


Wednesday morning Wayne had to take Trouble for his grooming appointment since I can’t drive.  I couldn’t line dance either.  What a pain in the neck/foot.

Wednesday night was the rescheduled Out to Lunch Bunch dinner at Fonda San Miguel.  Fonda San Miguel is an upscale Mexican food restaurant that has been in Austin for as long as I can remember. The food and drinks were great.  The only problem was that they did not give separate checks and so we were there longer than we had planned.

Thursday was more time in the recliner.  Friday was our Red Hat Luncheon

Left to right are Mildred, Billie, Ruth, and Annabelle B.


L-R are Annabelle L., Judy, Maggie, and Velma.


L-R Jeanne B., Jeanne W. and yours truly.


We went to Four Seasons for Chinese food and it was very good.

Saturday was another UT football game.  I didn’t go because of the boot.  Wayne took and old friend, Barbara, and they really enjoyed the game.  I watched the first half in the theatre with several other folks.




It was fun to watch with a group but the foot started hurting and I went back to my recliner for the second half.

Monday a group of us went to a $5.00 jewelry show at St. David’s Hospital.  They have lots of things in addition to jewelry and everything is $5.00.  We always have a lot of fun looking.  I ran into an old friend that I hadn’t seen in over 20 years.  Nell lives in another retirement community close to us so I hope we can get together sometime.

Wednesday was another jewelry class.  We are making plans for things to make for the Christmas season.  Snowmen and tree earrings are definitely on the list.

Thursday evening Chris picked me up and we went to the Delta Gamma Sisters and Salads Fall Kickoff party.  The salads were wonderful and and the friends even better.

Friday, I spent the day with my daughter, Nola, shopping for what she needed to make her on-in-law, Mike’s, Christmas stocking.  We got lots of things so we can get started.  I am going to bead the Christmas tree for his stocking.

Saturday we went to Martindale for Ron and Ashley’s wedding.  The church was quaint and they had decorated the reception hall with some of Ron’s antiques as well as other’s.

Ashleigh’s son and daughter stood up with them.


What a happy looking couple.


At the reception each member of the new family poured colored sand into a communal jar symbolizing the melding of the new family.  I loved that.


We wish them many years of happiness.

With all of the activities that we do combined with all of the doctor’s appointments that are too many to enumerate we stay very busy.  I guess my blog has taken a back seat.  I will try to do better.

So here it is Monday and we are waiting for the carpet cleaners to arrive.  Hope this finds everyone well.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Chef’s Demo for August

Oops, I forgot about the Chef’s Demo the Tuesday before Ester’s Follies.  We gathered in the dining room at The Conservatory and perused the recipes that were in our seats.  You can see Wayne on the front row third from the right.


JP, our Executive Chef,  greeted everyone.  I think he is as happy to be back from his sick leave as we are to have him back.


On this day he made two types of crab stuffed tomatoes.   One for appetizers and the other as a side dish.


Here are Spencer and JP busily stuffing cherry tomatoes so we could all have a taste.  Sadly Spencer has left us to become the Executive Chef at the Conservatory at the Woodlands in Houston.


Everything was wonderful as usual.

Catching up–August

I have been very remiss in keeping up with all that has been going on so I am going to do it in a couple of  blogs.

The Friday after the last Red Hats Luncheon we loaded up the bus and took a trip to the LBJ Library.  Neither Wayne nor I took a camera but we had a good time.  The library has been redone since we were there 20+ years ago.

The following Thursday night we loaded up the bus again and headed to an Austin institution “Ester’s Follies.”  I took pictures with my cell phone so they aren’t very good.

The decorations are still as bright and eclectic as I remember.  This is the entryway.


As we entered the theatre we were greeted by some old time Austin residents.


The murals on the walls were so bright they were almost garish.


Here are some of our fellow residents as we waited for the show.


This fellow entertained us from outside on the street while we waited for the show to begin.


After the show began we were unable to take pictures but the show was irreverent, satirical, and downright funny.  The action took place both inside and outside the theatre and we all had a fun time.

The following Saturday was the last weekend in August and the beginning of UT football season. Wayne was able to score two extra tickets and we took daughter, Nola, and grandson, Matt.

Matt the techie took this blended picture of the field from his seat and then emailed it to me.  Cool.  His iPhone takes great pictures.

UT stadium

So long to August.  I’ll post September next.