Friday, June 26, 2009

Meeting, Kispiox Totems and K'san Historical Village

Thursday night we had our first meeting. Here is Wayne on the left listening to Spike talk to us about caravaning and about bear safety, etc.

Friday I did laundry and it rained most of the day. That night we had another meeting and learned more about how we will be doing things.

Saturday morning we practiced caravaning and using our radios as we went up to Kispiox to the Totem Park. This is the clan house at the entrance to town.

Spike walking to the center of the totems to tell us about them. He really should be lecturing at some college. There is a wealth of information stored in his head.

We are fondly referred to as the yellow jackets and we came from both directions to listen to Spike.

Spike told us some general information about totems and specific information about certain poles. Some poles give a family lineage while others tell stories. It is very interesting.

Some of the figures represent supernatural beings while others represent real life figures.

Here is Spike in front of the crying woman.

Here is another totem. I can't remember what all of the figures represent. I should have taken notes.

We came back to the campground and had lunch then we met and walked the path down to where the two rivers converge.

This is also the site of an ancient fishing camp.

The wildflowers are blooming everywhere. They are just beautiful.

Our walk took us to the K'san Historical Village where we visited three long houses. The Frog House had a variety of artifacts and we listened to an audio of a native telling about the people of this area. The second house was the Wolf House where we learned about the government of the natives. This picture is of the Wolf House. Notice how small the doorway is. That is to keep invaders from coming in a group.

The last house was where all of the ceremonial robes and headdresses were kept that are used by their performance group. Unfortunately they don't perform until July. While we were waiting to go in this house, Spike told us about the three buildings that were in the field. The house on the left is a Spirit House and is built over a grave, the middle house is a Cache House and is usually about 12 feet high. This is where food is stored to keep it away from bears. The house on the right is a smoke house.

This totem was build when the village was reconstructed in the 1970's and represents a dignitary from the Canadian government.
Tonight we had a potluck dinner and Spike grilled fresh salmon and every one brought a side dish. Then we had our final meeting before taking off for Hyde, AK tomorrow. Well it's off to bed early so we can be ready tomorrow. It's still daylight outside and Spike told us we will gain about 45 minutes of daylight for each day that we travel from now on. Thank goodness for solid blinds.

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