As you leave the campground there is a hotel on the left hand side with this bear as an advertisement.
We took the coach over to Freightliner for repairs and then we went to the information center to get information. It is in a lovely old building.
It has this caboose interpretive center on site.
We went to Le Parc des Chutes that is located in downtown Riviere du Loup. In addition to this beautiful 33 meter waterfall and 100 year old hydroelectric power plant, there is a high bridge across the river( which is where I took this picture) and acres of hiking trails.
These are the rapids on the other side of the bridge.
Taken from ground level you can see the mist rising from the crashing water.
Near the hydroelectric plant there is this unique sculpture. The information said that it opened like a lotus flower every hour but we weren’t there long enough to see it.
On a drive through downtown we saw this interesting old movie theater that is still in use.
This is the old bank building that is still in use.
I thought it was interesting that both the upper and lower floors had covered porches.
This must be fairly typical for up here as we saw another one as well.
Here are a couple of view of downtown.
This is one of the many churches in town. Since the town is on a steep hill and the steeples are so tall you can see the churches from many locations around town.
I’m sure that this mural depicts the native indians shooting at wildlife.
Another interesting looking house.
As we were driving to Parc De La Pointe we saw this indian painted on the rocks.
I wonder if this person though his house was a castle or a church.
Looking down from the drive out of the park we could see our campground below.
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