We took a bus tour of Old Quebec this morning. This Hotel du Ville (means City Hall) has been mistaken for a real hotel.
It rained on and off all day so some of the pictures have rain drops. These are the tents for the Cirque du Soleil that is showing right now in Quebec. This is a paid show.
In another part of the city under some over passes is another Cirque du Soleil show that was created for Montreal. This show was standing only but it was free.
This is the Chateau Frontenac with the bronze roof. It was originally a fort.
This is another view of upper Old Quebec form the waterfront park.

Here are some of the old buildings in the lower city.
This is looking up the street at the Funicular that takes you from the lower level to the upper level.
These street musicians were setting up to play in the Petit-Champlain section.
This little church was in the same area.
As was this large 3-D mural that Wayne is standing in front of.
This is a bust of Louis the Fourteenth in the small park in the Petit-Champlain section.

More street scenes. Note the hanging metal sculptures.
These are some of the stairs you have to climb between the upper and lower city unless you take the funicular.
Here is Wayne on the street with the hanging sculptures.

There were also cute sculptures in the windows and on the walls. I especially liked these cats.

This woodpecker was huge.

There was also a nice park among the shops. Too bad we didn’t have time to do more than walk through this area quickly.
We reloaded the bus and went by the Parliament building. If you look closely at the left side of the building, you are seeing a screen that is painted to look like the building while they are doing reconstruction work on it. Pretty clever.
Next stop was the parks. This was Parc de l’Esplanade, Les champs de bataille, les Plaines of Abraham, and Park Jeanne d’Arc.
They were getting ready for a big music festival of military bands.

The flowers were beautiful.
This was one of the many cannons in the park.
There are lots of museums throughout the city.

This was a former Prime Minister’s house.

When the tour ended we all went to eat lunch then back to the bus for the afternoon tour.