Today we are headed to civilization. Fairbanks is a large city of 34540 as of the last census. I know that sounds small compared to most cities that are well known but compared to
populations in the three and four digit category it is huge.

Wayne and I left early for Fairbanks as he had broken a tooth and we had gotten a dentist appointment for early that afternoon.
We did stop long enough to take this
picture of an old log cabin that is still in use.

And we saw our first moose.

The Richardson Highway follows the
Tanana River most of the way from
Tok but it rained most of the way so taking pictures was not really an option.
We also were able to get me in to see a doctor because I had come down with the respiratory illness that had been going around the tour. We missed lunch at "Ricca's Roadhouse" and North Pole, Alaska and Santa Land but at least we got to see the necessary medical help we needed.
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