Monday, July 20, 2009

Farewell dinner

Well, the time is here for our last gathering. We gathered for a dinner of halibut and salmon and pot luck fixings. Everyone was taking last minute pictures. Wayne and Ed were getting in a last visit for the time being.

Spike was directing the procedure and reminding everyone to get in their test questions.

We ate until we were full

and then we ate some more.

After dinner we cleaned away our dishes and came back for dessert and skits. The skits were written by Spike and the performers were picked from the audience to read them.

They were funny and everyone enjoyed them.

Martha wrote a song that everyone sang to the tune of "The Yellow Rose of Texas." Several people wrote poems and read them. Martha and Jack handed out certificates. I won the Ansel Adams (Color) Photography award. Spike awarded the winner of the Alaska Quiz, Ed, a gold nugget. Then our whole tour crew did their bit at the end.

Everyone said their good byes amid tears and hugs. The sunset provided a beautiful ending to our last day.

Tomorrow most everyone will leave for all parts of the USA and Canada. A wonderful time was had by all and we will miss everyone. We hope to see many of our new friends during our travels over the next few years.

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