Monday, April 29, 2013

April’s Happy Hour Out at the Westin

Thursday evening was Happy Hour Out at the Westin Hotel.  We all loaded on the bus.  With his new wide angle lens, Wayne was able to get a picture of everyone on the bus at one time.  The people front to back and left to right are Peggy, Peggy,  Joyce, Maggie, Gert, Lyn, Bobbie, Marynelle, Jane, Sterling, Betsey, Kay, Phyllis, Bill, Frank, Betsy, Annabelle, and Lindley.   Ed and Wayne weren’t in their seats yet.


The Westin has a large seating area off the lobby by the bar that was able to accommodate us all.


Here is the view from the other end.


Here are Joyce, “”, Lindley, Kay, and Betsey.


Here are Gert, Bill, Phyllis, Annabelle, and Maggie.


Here is a better picture of Gert with Lyn on her right.


Here I am with Betsy and Ed.


On the side near the lobby were Peggy, Sterling, Frank, and Wayne.


The waitress had a time taking all of our orders.


Even our new GM showed up.  Here he is talking to me.


Keith went around and visited with everyone.


Finally it was time for the appetizers.  There were two kinds of pizza, calamari, and some sort of dip with chips.  The food was replenished by the marketing team whenever we ran out.

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Jane was one of the first in line.


She was quickly followed by everyone else.


The lights above the registration desk look like giant sea urchins.


Keith even got to sit down next to Bill to enjoy his food.


Here is Cat from our marketing team with one of the guests from outside.


Someone even got a picture of Wayne and me.


We were really enjoying ourselves as you can see from this picture that Bill took of us and shared.

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Everyone else enjoyed themselves as well.

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Only two more weeks until the next Happy Hour Out. 

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