We caught the Oli Trolley at 10:00am this morning to Acadia National Park.
This is one of the old summer homes that grace Bar Harbor. Many others were lost in a fire some years ago.
Here is another summer home with a beautiful garden out in front.

After a short trip we arrived at Acadia National Park. A lot of the amenities in this park were funded by Nelson Rockefeller.

This is Eagle Lake. It was make by a glacier many years ago and provides Bar Harbor with it’s drinking water.
This bolder is another evidence of the glacier that left it here as it passed through.
This is looking back across the desert area to the water.
When we got to the top of Cadillac Mountain we got out so we could take pictures. Cadillac Mountain is the highest point on the Eastern Seaboard.
Down below is the town of Bar Harbor. In the water from left to right are Bar Island, Sheep Porcupine Island, and Bald Porcupine Island.
Here are Shirley and Joe walking to the look out point.

Back on the trolley we drove past a brook that used to have beavers in it. They were relocated due to a fear that the brook might flood the road.

Next stop was the Wild Gardens of Acadia. I can’t claim any of the photos past this point as my camera’s battery died. Karla was kind enough to let me download her pictures.
This is an area of walkways and natural plants and flowers.
Inside they had some stuffed replicas of some of the wildlife that live in the area. This bald eagle with fish was very imposing.
Here is Shirley enjoying the Bridal Wreath.
We drove past the beaver’s pond. they estimate that they have nine beavers in the pond at present. Here is one of their homes.

This is Egg Rock with it’s lighthouse.
We stopped at an area by Thunder Hole. There were people climbing all over the rocky area.
Here are Wayne, Rich and Fred watching the people climb down to get a better look at Thunder Hole.
Here is Barbara at the railing,
and Martha at the top of one of the rocks.
Here is a view of Thunder Hole on the ebb tide.
This is as much splash as we got today as the surf was fairly calm.
This was a very calming area. You could just watch the waves come in and go out and listen to the surf.

The trolley had decorative windows that made it difficult for picture taking.
Our tour came to an end and we went off in search of lunch.