Sunday, September 27, 2009

UT football and in between

Saturday we went to the UT vs Texas Tech football game. We leave Georgetown 4 hours prior to the game to get to the stadium and park. The Alumni Center opens 3 hours prior to the game and there is a Chapter Leaders Reception room that they still let us come to. I was very active on the Board in Corpus Christi for many years and they finally made me a life-time member. The reception room always has food of some kind and is a comfortable place to wait until about 30 minutes before the game. As those of you who are interested in those kinds of things already know, UT won the game. We've had rain here for several days so not much got done. Wayne did go shopping one day to buy a fly rod for George who took him fishing everyday for a week in Valdez and I went shopping one day for a new comforter for the bedroom.

One thing about rainy weather is that when the sun does come out it makes for wonderful sunsets. I took this one on Tuesday

I opened the window to take this picture and the rain came pouring in.

Wayne and I have been talking about getting another dog since we had to put ours down 3 years ago. Maybe talking isn't the right word. I've been wanting and he's been resisting. When we were in Puyllup, WA on the way up to Hazelton in June we were camped at a campground at a fairground where there was going to be a dog show. There were two women there with 30+ Maltese dogs and I fell in love. Wayne said I could get a dog when we got back from Alaska. I found out that the women were from Buda, TX which is just south of Austin. We drove out on Friday afternoon and this is our new little boy. He is 10 months old and was to be a show dog but one of his testicles didn't drop so they had him neutered and they were looking for a home for him. He weighs around 5 lbs full grown. We will pick him up on the way back from Corpus Christi and Wayne's cardiologist appointment.

Saturday was the UT vs UT El Paso football game. It was 90 degrees at game time and I thought I would die. Fortunately we are on the West side of the stadium so eventually the sun goes down behind the stands and we were in the shade for the last half of the game. We won again.

Here it is Sunday and we are waiting for our granddaughter, Michelle, to come over for lunch and a nice visit. We will leave early tomorrow for Corpus Christi and Wayne's appointment. We will spend the night and then return to Georgetown.

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