Our first stop was the Columbia Glacier. You cannot get withing 7 miles of it as it is retreating and the moraine is 7 miles from the face of the glacier. There were lots of small pieces of ice floating in the water as we approached the glacier. It is really something to see.
This piece of ice has some of the dirt embedded in it that shows what the glacier picks up as it pushes itself over the land.
You can see how much of the ice is below the water compared to the amount above it.
Here is a sea otter who was floating on a piece of ice.
He decided that we looked interesting so he dove in.
And came over and floated on his back near us. Sooo cute!
I took another picture as we were leaving Columbia Glacier.
One of the crew snagged a piece of glacier ice for us to see. This part was very clear.
Here is Wayne watching the floating ice and the sea otters.
Here are three sea otters that played around for us.
They are funny little creatures that are fun to watch.
We went over to Unakwik Inlet to Meares Glacier.
This glacier is advancing and you can get very close to it's face.
I don't know if the movie will work or not but on the right side there was a small calving.
As we were leaving the Northwestern from the TV show "The Deadliest Catch" went by us up to the glacier. It gives you something to compare the size of the glacier to.
In this area the seals were hanging out on the ice.
Our captain got a call from the captain of the Northwestern to come back over to them and tie up as they had a surprise for us. We did and the captain invited us to come aboard to meet him and the crew. People were climbing over railings and jumping between the two boats. Wayne and I stayed on board. Here is the captain of the Northwestern, Sig Hansen.
The boat is serving as a tender to pick up salmon from the fishermen and take it to the cannery for the summer. This day they were on vacation and sightseeing with two people who had paid approximately $1500 each for the privilege to spend the day on the boat. Here is one of the crew members, Nick Mavar Jr. and Matt Bradley.
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