At Best Buy we got a 3D Blue Ray player and Bob and Cindy got a new, larger TV for their coach. Then it was on to Olive Garden for a wonderful lunch.
It was early so we decided to visit one of the main attractions in Tupelo—Elvis Presley’s Birthplace. Here are the front and back of our tickets:
I had expected it only be the house but there was a nice museum and the church that he attended until he was thirteen. Here I am with the plaque in front of the two-room house. There was no electricity or indoor plumbing. He was only four years to the day older than me and we always had electricity and indoor plumbing.
Here is some more information from the brochure that we picked up.
One thing I never knew was that he was born a twin but that his older twin brother was born dead. Today they would probably have both lived. Can you imagine twin Elvis’? Maybe they would have been the Presley Brothers instead of just The King.
If you grew up with Elvis like I did and you are ever in Tupelo this is worth your while to see.
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