I guess I’m playing catch up here. I didn’t realize that I had so many pictures on my camera that I hadn’t downloaded and blogged about.
March was a busy month. We had a St. Patrick’s Day dinner in the rec room with the appropriate green Jell-O, napkins and cake.
One of the groups from Canada really went all out for the celebration.

They even had green beer.

As usual fun was had by all.
March 27th was the Delta Gamma Founder’s Day Banquet. They honored all of the 50+ year members which includes yours truly.
We kicked off April with sunrise service Easter Sunday on the beach. It was overcast so no sun this year but that didn’t matter to the crowd of 150+. It was good to see old friends.

That afternoon we had Easter dinner in the rec room. The park provided the ham and we all brought dishes.
The next Friday was the park craft show and I had my jewelry on display. I even came home with a few more dollars than I spent.
The following weekend was Sandfest 2010 in Port Aransas. We drove over to the Island with another couple to see the artists working on their sculptures. The line to the ferry was long both ways. Here are pictures of some of the sculptures. Just click on them to view.
After the Sandfest some friends came over for Happy Hour to say goodbye to Pam and Steve who were leaving on Sunday. One of our friends, Howard, brought over his dog, Teeny, to play with Trouble
Here are Don and Lois who also have a Tiffen motorhome. They have the Bus while ours is the lowly Phaeton. Lois is my Weight Watchers buddy.
Here are Pam and Steve. They ran the Texas Hold’em tournaments and will be sorely missed. Steve also makes really nice magnetic jewelry.
Here are John and Shirley. They will be staying even longer than we will so we will probably see a lot of each other. They have two dogs.
Here is Howard who is Teeny’s owner. He has the neatest three-wheel recumbent bike that he rides around the park.
One of John and Shirley’s dogs, Spice, came to join the party.
And party we did. Well past our dinner times but it was lots of fun.