Friday, November 27, 2009

Stamper Thanksgiving

We went to New Caney, TX for Thanksgiving with Wayne's brothers and their families. Wayne's brother, Kim, has two Pomeranians and here's Trouble getting to know them. Later we were able to let them out of the pen.

As we have always said, "He plays well by himself but not well with others." He finally learned.

Kim's wife, Irma, loves to decorate for the holidays. She inherited most of Wayne's mother's collection to add to her own so everything was beautifully decorated.

Here are some of the pies that we had along with our turkey dinner with all the trimmings. My favorite is the chocolate/pecan pie that Darrel's wife, Tammie, makes each year.

Irma had this wall unit built especially for showing off all of the decorative pieces. Wayne's mother made many of the larger pieces when she was doing ceramics.

This is one of the Thanksgiving decorations that she made.

Here is another display cabinet.

The mantle was decorated with houses and autumn trees. Irma will just need to change out the trees to be ready for Christmas.

Two of Wayne's brothers and their wives, Kim and Irma, and Darrell and Tammie were there along with some of their children and the children of one of Wayne's other brothers, Leslie. Everyone enjoyed dinner and went home with a full tummy.

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