Friday, October 23, 2009

NAS Corpus Christi

We got up Friday morning and drove to NAS Corpus Christi. The FamCamp there is located on a peninsula so it is always pretty windy. There is all kinds of wildlife around. Here is a heron standing by a tree looking out toward the bay side of the peninsula.

Here are two of the dozen or so jack rabbits that live in the RV Park.

This is really a beautiful setting. Standing in our site we can see the water in the bay close to where the fishing pier is. Note the four jack rabbits.

This is the view looking toward the munitions depot and the Laguna Madre.

And here is a view of one of Corpus Christi's beautiful sunsets.

Saturday night we went to the Texas Exes Corpus Christi game watch for the UT/OU game watch. We got to see many of our friends and meet some new ones. The game was nerve wracking but we won.
Tuesday Wayne had an appointment with his cardiologist. He did an echocardiogram and said that yes Wayne's heart had decreased in function some but not as dramatically as the doctor in Missoula had thought. His functioning is not bad enough to put a three lead pace maker in nor for a heart transplant. For now there is nothing to do but to go on with life as it is.
Wednesday morning I left for Houston for a week to be with my daughter whose husband has decided that he doesn't want to be married any more. Please pray for her.
Wayne and Trouble are being bachelors for the week and Wayne will work on potty training. Also one of his close fishing buddies was banished from his house for his wife's all girl reunion so he brought his motorhome out to the base as well. Last I heard they were planning on being on the beach fishing this morning.

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