We left Aransas Pass on Friday and drove to the Yogi Bear RV Park in Waller, Texas. We spent the evening at our daughter, Nola’s, house visiting.
Saturday morning we drove to Prairie View A & M University Campus where Waller HS was holding their graduation ceremonies. Here is Thomas Matthew Reay entering the auditorium.
They called out the names of the top 50 students in reverse order. Once Matt (#2) was on stage, he studied his Salutatory speech.
And here he is giving it. Needless to say we are very proud of him. He has been accepted to The University of Texas at Austin Engineering School next fall where he will study electrical engineering.
After graduation we went back to Nola’s and rested until time to go to dinner. Tom, Matt’s dad, had planned a dinner for family and close friends at Luigi’s Italian Restorante. He had put together a slide show of pictures of Matt.

There was wine, hors d'Ĺ“uvres , a salad, a choice of four entrees, and cupcakes for dessert. All the cup cakes had pictures of Matt stuck in them. There were also M&Ms with his picture on it and lots of balloons. After dinner Matt got his cap and gown and we took family pictures. Here are Michael, Michelle, Nola, Matt and Tom.
You should recognize Wayne and I with Matt.

On the front row are Matt’s Aunt Catherine and “Mimi” Dee and behind Dee is his cousin Cassandra.
This picture has my brother, Murray, his wife, Sandy, their daughter, Tracy, her husband, Chris, and their children, Jacob and Grace. Murray and Sandy’s son, Chris, and his family were unable to come.

Papa Bob and Granma Doris were also unable to come. Here is a picture of Matt and his Dad, Tom, and his Uncle Todd.
Here is Matt’s cousin, Aaron, his wife, Stacy, and their children, (L-R) Jaydan, Tyler, and Aeryn.

Also in attendance were Michelle and Matt’s “sister”, Ashley, and her little girl, Hailey. Ashley and Hailey lived with them when she was just a baby.
Hailey likes wearing Matt’s mortarboard.
A good time was had by all.