On Saturday, Rich, Karla, Wayne and I drove out to the Rattlesnake Saloon for lunch. It was about a 45 minute drive.
Shortly after we drove up in the parking lot we were met by the Red Neck Limo.
We drove towards the Seven Springs Lodge.
Then we turned and went down a steep hill towards the Rattlesnake Saloon. Here is Karla holding on for dear life.
On the way down was this rocking chair under the overhang.
There is a pretty patio down below overlooking a creek.
The Saloon is complete with outhouses. There are also indoor facilities.
We couldn’t get the full impact of the facility as they had covered most of it with heavy duty plastic to keep it warmer. Here are some of the tables set under the overhang.
Here is one of two carved rattlesnakes at the entrance to the indoor saloon.
The ceiling fans indoors are all connected and run by a single motor. The ceiling looks to be pressed tin.
There are rattlesnake skins on all the ceiling braces and animal heads around the room. The picture of the turkey is the only one that turned out.
The food was simple but I had one of the best hamburgers I have had in a long time. We plan on coming back this way next spring so we will have to make a trip out when the plastic is not up.