We left Ste Sainte Marie September 30th and said good by to the fall foliage.
We stayed Elkhart, Indiana for four nights. We ordered a new recliner for the motorhome and had it sent to Red Bay, Alabama.
On the way to Denton, TX we drove through St. Louis. I loved the way the bridge we were on reflected in the picture of the arch.

Here is the St. Louis skyline.
This Indian statue greeted us at a truck stop in Oklahoma.

Finally we crossed into Texas where we were greeted with the welcome sign and a big lone star.

Saturday night we met Bob and Doris and his nurse, Adam at a Mexican restaurant to celebrate Bob’s birthday.
Bob and Wayne had a good time visiting over margaritas.
Doris and I had a chance to catch up on what was going on in her world and mine.
Adam came alone to monitor Bob’s IV. He has become part of the family since he has been giving Bob his IVs for so long.
Monday night we took Michelle and her Uncle Todd out to celebrate her birthday. Before we went to dinner we stopped off to look at convertibles. I want a second car when we are stopped for the winter and Wayne wants it to be a convertible.
I can’t believe out first grandchild has turned out to be this beautiful 21 year-old who will be graduating from The University of Texas this May.

We are spending most of our time in Austin just enjoying being able to sit out in the evenings.